Canada Bay Active

At Concord Oval Recreation Centre, we believe in helping our community to get active and healthy, and the Canada Bay Active program invites all members of the City to improve their health and fitness in a friendly community setting.

We have free outdoor classes running at Rhodes and Chiswick. Register now!

Sign-up for Canada Bay Active

We can't wait to see you there!

Map of Rhodes


Where: Mill Park at Mill Park Street, Rhodes.

  • Friday 10:30am: Yoga
Map of Chiswick


Where: Wire Mill Park (adjacent to the Chiswick Community Centre) at the Corner of Blackwall Point Road and Parkview Road, Chiswick.

  • Wednesday 6:30pm: Bootcamp
  • Friday 7:00am: Bootcamp 

Frequently asked questions

Where are the Canada Bay Active classes held?

We have two locations:

  • Mill Park on Mill Park Street, Rhodes. 
  • Wire Mill Park (near Chiswick Community Centre) at the Corner Blackwall Point Road and Parkview Road, Chiswick.
How much do the classes cost?

All classes are free!

What type of classes will be running?

Mill Park (Mill Park Street) – Rhodes:

  •  Friday 10:30am Yoga 

 Wire Mill Park (Chiswick Community Centre at the Corner Blackwall Point Road & Parkview Road) – Chiswick:

  • Wednesday 6:00pm Bootcamp
  • Friday 7:00am Bootcamp
What level of fitness do I need?

The classes are designed to cater for all levels of fitness. It is important that you accurately fill out the medical questions in the registration form and that you are medically sound to participate in exercise.

What should I do if I am finding the session too difficult?

It is important that you exercise at a level suitable to your current fitness. Sessions are designed to work at each participant’s individual pace. If you are not coping with the intensity of the session, it is okay to slow down or to stop.

What do I need to bring?

We recommend you always take sunscreen, a water bottle, a towel and a hat if your chosen activity is during the day. Comfortable clothing should be worn so your movements are not limited. All participants need to be wearing a shirt and running shoes. If you suffer from asthma, or any other medical condition, you should bring your inhaler or required medication.

Can I bring a friend?

Yes, you are welcome to bring a friend, however they must register with Canada Bay Active and book into the session to participate.

Can I bring my child to participate?

The Canada Bay Active program is for people 18 years and above. No children are permitted to participate in sessions.

Can I bring my toddler or young child to sit alongside the session?

Unfortunately, no children are allowed.

What should I do if I have existing health conditions?

As set out in the terms and conditions, participants are expected to seek advice and clearance from their medical practitioner. The intensity you work at needs to be suitable to your current level of fitness.

How do I make a booking?

To make a booking you must be a registered member. You can then book a session on our ‘Members login’ webpage. Enter your username and password (these will be emailed to you within 48 hours of submitting your registration forms online). You then select 'book now' and 'Canada Bay Active'. From here you can select the day and class of your choice. Note you will only be able to book into classes 2 weeks in advance.

Please note, bookings are for Canada Bay Active outdoor fitness only. This does not allow access to Concord Oval Recreation Centre, its gym or its classes. A membership or casual pass must be purchased to use the Centre.

Can I just show up at a session, having not booked?

No. You must be registered and make a booking through the Canada Bay Active website if you would like to attend.

What happens if I am late to a session?

If you are running 5 minutes late, please ensure you warm up without disrupting the group before joining in. If you will be more than 5 minutes late, please rebook for the next class as it can be too disruptive to join the group once the main workout has begun.

What happens if I miss a booked session?

We understand that best laid plans sometimes come unstuck. Unfortunately, if you miss two booked sessions consecutively, you may be blocked from participating for the following week. This is designed to ensure everyone has the opportunity to join the classes.

How do I cancel a booking?

If you are not able to make your booked session, it is important that you cancel your booking. To do this go to our ‘Members login’ webpage, enter your username and password, then under 'My Profile', select ’My Info'. Scroll down to 'Schedules' and select 'list view'. Here you will see your bookings. Click 'Actions' beside the class you don't wish to do and select 'Withdraw'. You will then be removed from the class so someone else can take your place.

What happens in the instance of poor weather?

All Bootcamp sessions will go ahead unless the weather is extreme. Yoga may be cancelled in less extreme weather due to the nature of the classes. In the instance of a cancellation, we will notify you via the Canada Bay Active Facebook page.

What if I get injured while participating in the class?

Our instructors are first aid trained and there will be a first aid kit on site. It is important that any medical conditions are cleared by your doctor, as stated in the terms and conditions, so you are not putting yourself or others in danger. In the case of any injury/incident outside the scope of first aid training, an ambulance will be called.

Can I take my medication with me?

Yes. If you have any controlled medical conditions which (may) require medication, please have this with you. It is important that you declare all medical conditions on your registration form and have medical clearance from your medical practitioner prior to participating in the Canada Bay Active sessions.